* Toppers of MBBS batch and was awarded with 9 Gold Medals and many other prizes during academic career.
* Awarded with Merit Scholarship and Certificate of honours in various subjects.
* Served as Captain of Territories Army from 1971 to 1976.
* Positioned as President of IMA Jhansi during 1991 tom 1992.
* Listed as a leading physician & Neurologist in Uttar Pradesh.
* President of Rotary Club of Jhansi, during the year 2008.
Special Honors:
Honoured for social services and contributions in promoting Medical Health & Education in the Bundelkhand Region by:
* Indian Medical Association, Jhansi on Doctor's Day in the year 2002.
* Senior Citizen Welfare Forum,Jhansi.
* Brahman Mahasabha Jhansi.
* Pt. Vishvanath Sharma Charitable Trust, Jhansi.
DR. MANOJ MISHRA's Achievements:
Chkitsa Ratna Award
Dr. Manoj Mishra Taking Chikitsa Ratna Award from Shri Ravi Sharma (Founder of Life And Meditation), Shri Pawan Tiwari(Treasurer Life and Meditation) For Excellence Achived in the sector of medical social welefare and serve totaly free the needy and poor patiente regularly.
Received Doctor of Millennium Award 2000 by association of Medical Sciences, New Delhi.